| Legendary (AKA "leg") items are the (potentially) highest quality items in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. Although it's not impossible to find two Rare items with the exact same stats, probably they will have a. Rare Items are pretty unique because they can offer 2 to 6 random magical attributes from a random range and their names are also random. | In addition, Rare Items can have 2 to 6 magical attributes known as Magic Suffixes or Magic Prefixes. One of the many strengths of Diablo II has always been its multitude of different item options, and the number of items. Besides advancing the story, much of the game focuses and revolves around finding better and better items to equip your character with.

They are the driving force of Diablo II more than anything else. | Items are in-game objects that characters can carry in their inventory. The term "Loot 2.0" refers to a vast number of changes made to the underlying systems in Diablo III that govern equipment drops. Ranks 1 and 2 use the default font color and background, 3 and 4 uses Purple icons, 5 and 6. In God Eater Burst, items are tiered by "Rank" and icon colors/icon background. The Legends of Aranna expansion adds purple for items imbued with a spell, and a teal-green for Diablo-style set items. Rare items are blue and consist of Victory Poses.